1·It was proposed by Andrew Fung, a UCLA doctoral candidate working on the malaria test, who will use the money to develop his idea.
2·A DOMESTIC CASE, which I investigated with doctoral candidate Jodie Wales, also shows the importance of the community informatics approach.
3·Eric X. li is a venture capitalist in Shanghai and a doctoral candidate at Fudan University's School of International Relations and Public Affairs.
4·After completing required coursework via CVN the doctoral candidate pursues research and residency requirements as specified by the faculty advisor.
5·"This is a very strange galaxy in which to find a supermassive black hole," said astronomer Amy Reines, a doctoral candidate at the University of Virginia.
“这个星系中发现超大型黑洞是很奇怪的事情,”佛吉尼亚大学的博士研究生、天文学家Amy Reines说。
6·Alex DE Waal, now a program director at the Social Science Research Council, was there at that time, as a doctoral candidate doing anthropological fieldwork.
7·In the current study, Frank Tiffany l., a doctoral candidate at Adelphi University in Long Island, and her colleagues survd 90 pairs of siblings in high school.
在最新的研究中,纽约长岛阿德尔菲大学博士研究生弗兰克-蒂芙妮- L和同事们研究了在高中就读的90对兄弟姐妹。
8·In the current study, Frank Tiffany l., a doctoral candidate at Adelphi University in Long Island, and her colleagues surveyed 90 pairs of siblings in high school.
在最新的研究中,纽约长岛阿德尔菲大学博士研究生弗兰克-蒂芙妮- L和同事们研究了在高中就读的90对兄弟姐妹。
9·Johnson, a doctoral candidate at the Center for Limnology at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, studies human influences on emerging diseases in aquatic environments.
10·Okumu, who is a doctoral candidate at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, said he is “working on the premise that this is a global problem — a global problem in a flat world.”